Lehning Calendula o complexe n 89

INDICATION Traditionally used in the healing of wounds and burns. DOSAGE Adults and Children over 12 years of age: 20

Lehning Cholesterolum o complexe n 112

INDICATION Lehning 112 is traditionally used in biliary lithiasis and hepatic colics. cholesterinum is also available as single remedy. DOSAGE

Lehning Cistus canadensis o complexe n 86

INDICATION Traditionally used in dry dermatosis with fissures DOSAGE Adults : 20 drops, 3 times a day. Children : over

Lehning Cocculus o complexe n 73

INDICATION Traditionally used to prevent travel sickness DOSAGE Adults:20 drops 3 times a day. Children: over 2 years of age:

Lehning Conium o complexe n 36

INDICATION Traditionally used in the adjuvant treatment of non-malignant pathologies of the lymphatic tissue and of ulcerations DOSAGE Adults: 20

Lehning Drosera o complexe n 64

Indication: Traditionally use in dry coughs. DOSAGE Adults: 20 drops 3 times a day. Children: over 2 years of age:

Lehning Echinacea o complexe n 40

INDICATION Traditionally used in the adjuvant treatment of localized suppurations, particulary those of the ear-nose-throat region or of the skin.

Lehning L 1

Homoeopathic medicine traditionally used to treat non-bacterial throat infections (e.g. inflammation, pain, redness or fever). Before starting a course of

Lehning L 2

INDICATION Traditionally used in the adjuvant treatment of chronic infections with enlarged adenoids. DOSAGE Adults: 20 drops 3 times a day. Children