Schwabe Pentarkan® Ptk. 15 Berberis

Indications: Traditionally used for the treatment of gout and complaints caused by gout-related kidney stone formation. Dosage: One tablet in

Schwabe Pentarkan® Ptk. 16 Bismutum

Indications: Traditionally used for the treatment of gastric hyperacidity (too much acid in the stomach) associated with heartburn; ructus (belching)

Schwabe Pentarkan® Ptk. 2 Aconitum

Indications: Traditionally used for the treatment of acute feverish infections of the respiratory tract. Dosage: 1 Tablet, 3 times a

Schwabe Pentarkan® Ptk. 22 Carbo vegetabilis

Indications: Traditionally used for the treatment of meteorism (flatulency).

Schwabe Pentarkan® Ptk. 3 Aesculus

Indications: Traditionally used for the treatment of varicose veins; such as piles. Dosage: 10 Drops in a sip of water,

Schwabe Pentarkan® Ptk. 31 Cinnabaris

Indications: Traditionally used for the treatment of acute and chronic sinusitis. Dosage: Chew on 2 tablets, 3 times a day

Schwabe Pentarkan® Ptk 43 Eupatorium for Flu-like Infection

Schwabe Pentarkan® Ptk 43 Eupatorium for Flu-like Infection Indications: Traditionally used for the treatment of flu-like infections. Dosage: 10-15 drops

Schwabe Pentarkan® Ptk 45 Ferrum for Weakness

Schwabe Pentarkan® Ptk 45 Ferrum for Weakness Indications: Traditionally used for the treatment of debility (feelings of weakness). Dosage: 2

Schwabe Pentarkan® Ptk 49 Gnaphalium for Sciatica

Schwabe Pentarkan® Ptk 49 Gnaphalium for Sciatica Indications: Traditionally used for the treatment of pain conditions associated with sciatica (lumbar

Schwabe Pentarkan® Ptk 50 Graphites for Eczema

Schwabe Pentarkan® Ptk 50 Graphites for Eczema Indications: Traditionally used for the treatment of eczema. Dosage: 1 Tablet, 3 times

Schwabe Pentarkan® Ptk 51 Grindelia for Bronchial Asthma

Schwabe Pentarkan® Ptk 51 Grindelia for Bronchial Asthma Indications: Traditionally used for the treatment of bronchial asthma. Dosage: 10 drops

Schwabe Pentarkan® Ptk 60 Magnesium phosphoricum for Menses

Schwabe Pentarkan® Ptk 60 Magnesium phosphoricum for Menses Indications: Traditionally used in painful menstrual bleeding (functional dysmenorrhea). Dosage: 1 tablet,