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SKU: MPW-11 (NERVIX) Category: Tag:

What is Tissue & Nerve?

Tissue is a cellular organizational level between cells and a complete organ. It is an ensemble of similar cells and their extracellular matrix from the same origin that together carry out a specific function. Organs are then formed by the functional grouping together of multiple tissues.

Nerves are a collection of neurons, which are the individual nerve cells. A neuron has a cell body which includes the cell nucleus, dendrites which conduct stimulation of the nerve, and axon terminals which transmit impulses to other nerves.


Masood’s MPW tablets are composition of homeopathic medicines & biochemic salts that are especially formulated by trituration process for the overall health and improvement in symptomatic state.

NERVIX promotes tissue building and provides necessary nutrition to nerves. It provides strength against debilitating diseases and general debility. Also helps in better utilization of food and improves resistance.

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