Dr. Reckeweg R 74 Bed Wetting Drops for Nocturnal Enuresis

Indications: Nocturnal enuresis, bladder weakness. Dosage: Nocturnal enuresis in small children: 8-10 drops in some water 3 times daily.Reduce dosage after 2-3

Dr.Reckeweg R 27 Kidney Stone Drops

Dr.Reckeweg R 27 Kidney Stone Drops Indications: Renal calculi, sharp pains in the kidneys, pains across the small of the back,

Dr. Reckeweg R 17 Glandular Enlargement drops

Dr. Reckeweg R 17 Glandular Enlargement drops Indications:  Glandular Enlargement, Regenerator of diseased tissues (tuberculous ulceration). Growths and eczema affecting external

Dr. Reckeweg R 16 Migraine And Neuralgia Drops

Dr. Reckeweg R 16 Migraine And Neuralgia Drops Indications: Migraine, nervous headaches, neuralgia of the head, indisposition due to continuous headaches

Dr. Reckeweg R 60 Blood Purifier

Indications: Impurities of the blood, unclean skin (e.g. pimples), swelling of Iymph glands, blood purifying remedy. General improvement of the humoral

Dr. Reckeweg R 21 Skin Drops

Dr. Reckeweg R 21 Skin Drops Indications: Chronic eczema. Skin disease not yielding to conventional therapy. Constitutional improvement in cases associated

Dr. Reckeweg R 12 Arteriosclerosis Drops

Dr. Reckeweg R 12 Arteriosclerosis Drops Indications: General arteriosclerosis and hypertonia. Cerebral arteriosclerosis, aortic and coronary sclerosis, nephrosclerosis, dysbasia, abdominal dyspragia.

Dr. Reckeweg R 10 Climacteric Drops

Dr. Reckeweg R 10 Climacteric Drops Indications: Climacteric complaints, flushes of heat, attacks of perspiration, physical weakness, depression, headaches, irregular menstruations,

Dr. Reckeweg R 37 Intestinal Colic Drops

Dr. Reckeweg R 37 Intestinal Colic Drops Indications:Flatulent colic, meteorism, porphyrinuria, intestinal colic, abdominal spasms of varying genesis which are

Dr. Reckeweg R 3 Heart Drops

Dr. Reckeweg R 3 Heart Drops Indications: Heart insufficiencies of a light to medium degree, with a tendency towards oedema. Myocardial

Dr. Reckeweg R 18 Kidney and Bladder Drops

Dr. Reckeweg R 18 Kidney and Bladder Drops Indications: Inflammation of the kidneys, renal calculi, sharp stinging pains in the kidneys,

Dr. Reckeweg R 13 Hemorrhoidal Drops

Dr. Reckeweg R 13 Hemorrhoidal Drops Indications: Hemorrhoids, itching, pains, bleeding, anal fissures, anal prolapsus, anal eczema, plethora. Dosage: Generally 10-15 drops