Dr.Willmar Schwabe Chelidonium Maj 3x (11ml)

CHELIDONIUM MAJUS (Celandine)    A CHELIDONIUM MAJUS has a prominent liver remedy, covering many of the direct reflex symptoms of diseased

BHP LABRO Syrup For Acute & Chronic Liver Disease

BHP LABRO Syrup For Acute & Chronic Liver Disease Liver disorder Jaundice Acute and Chronic liver disorders Hepatitis Enlagement of

BHP LEX Syrup For Liver Disorder

BHP LEX Syrup For Liver Disorder Liver disorder Jaundice Acute & Chronic Liver disease Hepatitis Enlargement of Liver Constipation Digestive

Kent No 54 Drops for Hepatitis C

Description Kent No 54 Drops for Hepatitis C Indications: Indicated in burning and stinging pains across the liver region. Fatigue

Kent No 53 Drops for Hepatitis A,B, E

Description Kent No 53 Drops for Hepatitis A,B, E Indications: Hepatitis  A, B, E. Jaundice & pain in the right

Kent No 52 Drops for Cholelithiasis ( Gall Stones)

Description Kent No 52 Drops for Cholelithiasis ( Gall Stones) Indications: Helpful in Gall Bladder stones (Cholelithiasis). Indigestion & gas.

Hepatoplant Drops – Best homeopathic medicine for Liver

This preparation affects especially on the veins that carrying blood to liver and its surroundings. It benefits when physiological capabilities

Dr. Reckeweg Hitrechol Gallstone Capsules for Dissolving Gallstones

Hitrechol Capsules are recommended to reduce or dissolve gallstones especially solitary or multiple cholesterin stones in the early stages. Recommended

Dr. Reckeweg R 7 Liver And Gallbladder Drops

Dr. Reckeweg R 7 Liver And Gallbladder Drops Indications: Organic and functional complaints of liver and gallbladder, hepatopathy, cholecystophathy, calculi, disturbances

HR 2 (ICTERON) For Liver Diseases Including Hepatitis

Dr. Masood Homoeopathic Pharma’s Icteron HR-02 is effective to improve liver and gall bladder functions and their associated symptoms. Hr-02 is Used in Hepatomegaly

Dr. Reckeweg R 131 Carduus Hepatic Drops

Indications Cirrhosis of the Liver, Hepatitis, Jaundice, Pancreatic Dysfunction. Chronic Liver Disease due to high intake of alcohol and strong medications like

HEPALGIN SYRUP (To improves liver function)

Masood’s Hepalgin syrup improves liver function due to its hepato-protective properties. Indicated in structural and functional distress of liver parenchyma.