Chachujee Homeopathic medicine Online Store
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Indication: Dribbling after voiding, blood in the urine, feeling that the bladder has not emptied completely, frequent urination particularly at

Kent No 60 Drops for Cervical Spondylosis

Description Kent No 60 Drops for Cervical Spondylosis Indications: Cervical spondylosis & pain with rankle. Shoulder & backache. Internal neural
Chachujee Homeopathic medicine Online Store Featured Products

Masood K-Flush For Kidney Stone

Masood K-Flush For Kidney Stone K Flush is the premier homeopathic medicine designed specifically for the effective removal of kidney,

Hair N Scalp Shampoo of Paulbrooks for hair fall

Hair N Scalp Shampoo of Paulbrooks for hair fall بالوں کی مضبوطی چمک، اور ریشم جیسی نرمی کے لئے بہتیریں

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Anti Smoking Tablets By Kent Pharma is best for absolution from smoking. Indicated to combat increased desire for smoking after

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SEPTEX (CAPSULES) (20 capsules)

Indications / Symtoms : Puerperal sepsis, puerperal fever, post partum, haemorrhage, salpangitis and mastitis. Dosage : In acute cases 1


Indication: Obstructive urinary tract infection including frequency, urgency, dysuria, nocturia, hesitancy, and incomplete voiding. The term prostatitis actually encompasses four

EAR DROPS (For Ear’s Infection)

Indicated in earache due to inflammation and catarrh. Effective for roaring and tingling sensation in ears. Helps in clearing obstruction

BM 205 for TRAVEL SICKNESS ( Nausea, Vomiting & Perspiration)

Indication: Travel sickness occurs when repetitive small movements mean the brain is sending mixed messages. This confusion usually results in