BM 55 for Anti Smoking

BM 55 for Anti Smoking


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The general indications of anti-smoking compositum are craving for tobacco, burning in stomach & bad breath. The patient is disturbed in sleep. Dreams with nightmares and chilliness. This compositum is further recommended in the symptoms of anxiety, nausea, giddiness, very despondent and forgetful. Patient complains a feeling of constriction of chest which aggravates during extremes of heat and cold. Antismoking compositum is also recommended when there is a lot of desire of warmth. Symptoms of nervousness and excitable with brain fag. There are dull feeling in the head with throbbing, general weariness and sour eructations.


Adult: 10-15 drops, teenagers half of the same, 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.

Weight 0.040 kg



BM (Pvt.) Ltd. is the leading concern engaged in the manufacturing of Quality Homoeopathic Medicines in the Asian region (Lahore-Pakistan).

BM started the production activities with the state of the art manufacturing facilities at the 2nd biggest metropolis of Pakistan i.e. Lahore. In BM, the Quality Control laboratory and Quality Assurance system is being constantly upgraded for better results in shape of Standardization, Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Productivity and Efficacy.


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