BHP Aveena Plus Syrup For Physical Or Mental Health

BHP Aveena Plus Syrup For Physical Or Mental Health Highly recommended as restorative tonic for health, vigour, nervous strength and

BHP Shemax Syrup For Boost Immune System

BHP Shemax Syrup For Boost Immune System Increase hemoglobin level Help in digestion and boost up immune system Increase quantity

Alfalfa Tonic

Indication: May help to stimulate the general physical and mental efficiency also support the defensive mechanism. BM Alfalfa Tonic provides

Kent No 48 Drops for Stimulation of Defensive System

Description Kent No 48 Drops for Stimulation of Defensive System Indications: Boosts up the immune system. Indicated in lethargy and

BM 5 for Toxins drainage and immunity improver

Indication: May help in the symptoms of producing immunity against viral, bacterial and allergy releasing factors. Helps to eliminate blood,

Dr. Reckeweg R 88 Anti-Viral Drops

Indications: Any viral type disease such as Measles, Mononucleosis, Herpes, flu. Dosage: As a natural immunization formula this anti viral formula is

Dr. Reckeweg R 193 for Immune System Fortifier Drops

Indications: Strengthening of the immune system against localized inflammatory processes. Dosage: If not recommended otherwise, in acute cases 5 – 10 drops daily up

Alfalfa Tonic

Indication: May help to stimulate the general physical and mental efficiency also support the defensive mechanism. BM Alfalfa Tonic provides