Indication: The specific reasons that contribute miscarriage are multiple pregnancy, maternal age, poorly controlled diabetes, scleroderma, fever 100OF, previous contraceptive
Indication: Polycystic ovary syndrome, follistatin blocks the action of the ovarian hormone. Female sterility because of insulin resistance and non-insulin
Indication: May help in the symptoms of leucorrhoea, irregular and painful menstruation, profuse and premature menstruation, frequent miscarriage resulting sterility.
Schwabe Pentarkan® Ptk 60 Magnesium phosphoricum for Menses Indications: Traditionally used in painful menstrual bleeding (functional dysmenorrhea). Dosage: 1 tablet,
Masood CAULOPHYLLUM THALICTROIDES Q Caulophyllum thalictroides Q acts as female tonic. It strengthens the uterine muscles. It relieves Labor pains to make easy