Indication: Vitamin deficiency produces many symptoms. The most important symptoms are fatigue, pale skin, palpitation, dyspnoea, loss of appetite, diarrhoea,

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Indication: May help in the symptoms of diabetes mellitus, urinary sugar and blood sugar, thirst, lack of orgasm & psychic

Dr. Reckeweg Uranium Nitricum

Dr. Reckeweg Uranium Nitricum Dr. Reckeweg has standardized Uranium Nitricum in 8x potency, in which it has proven to act

Dr.Reckeweg R 43 Asthma Drops

Dr.Reckeweg R 43 Asthma Drops Indications: Bronchial asthma and spastic bronchitis. Constitutional treatment of bronchial asthma. Dosage: As prolonged cure 2-3 times

Dr. Reckeweg R 76 Asthma Forte Drops

Indications: Constitutional asthma-therapy. Dosage: 3 times daily 20 drops in some water. In case of attack 10 drops every 5-10 minutes.

Dr. Reckeweg R 192 for Constipation Drops

Indications: Indigestion caused by sluggish functioning of liver and gallbladder, constipation, flatulence, sensation of pressure and fullness in the right upper

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Masood’s Yelax Forte Tablets have effective & safe laxative properties. Indicated in constipation with abdominal discomfort. Effective for acidity due

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LOCALEN (Ideal Mouth Wash and Gargle)

Ideal Mouth Wash and Gargle. Usage Directions Usage Direction: As a mouth wash and gargles for sore throat: Mix 2-3

Dr. Reckeweg R 41 Forte Impotence Drops

Dr. Reckeweg R 41 Forte Impotence Drops  Indications: Sexual asthenia, spermatorrhoea, general debility especially in men. After-effects of debilitating illnesses, overwork

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DAMIANA-M Homeopathic medicines to relief and treat impotency, libido, sexual organ weakness, erectile dysfunction, vigor the sexual organs, reduce nervousness,