Paulbrooks UTI Care Syrup for a Healthy Urinary Tract

Paulbrooks UTI Care Syrup for a Healthy Urinary Tract cystitis. Nephritis. Dysuria. Pain in the Kidney region. Scanty, Burning, Bloody

UTI Care Capsules Paulbrooks for a Healthy Urinary Tract

UTI Care Capsules Paulbrooks for a Healthy Urinary Tract cystitis Nephritis Dysuria Pain in the Kidney region Scanty, Burning, Bloody

Kent No 49 Drops for Albuminuria

Description Kent No 49 Drops for Albuminuria Indications: Helpful in involuntary urine or albuminuria. Discharge of protein. Inflammation with in

Kidneoplant Drops for Kidney and Urinary System

Kidneoplant Drops for Kidney and Urinary System This preparation has very strong effects on kidneys and bladder. It gives highly

Nefrenol Kidney Drops (30ml) for گردے و مثانے کی پتھری کا بغیر آپیریشن علاج

گردے و مثانے کی پتھری کا بغیر آپیریشن علاج Composition Belladonna, Berberis Vulgaris, Cantharis, Hydrangea, Pareira Brava, Rubica Tinct, Solidago,

Schwabe Pentarkan® Ptk 79 Solidago for Oedema caused by Kidney

Schwabe Pentarkan® Ptk 79 Solidago for Oedema caused by Kidney Indications: Traditionally used to accompany individual treatment of oedema caused

Dr.Reckeweg R 27 Kidney Stone Drops

Dr.Reckeweg R 27 Kidney Stone Drops Indications: Renal calculi, sharp pains in the kidneys, pains across the small of the back,

Dr. Reckeweg R 18 Kidney and Bladder Drops

Dr. Reckeweg R 18 Kidney and Bladder Drops Indications: Inflammation of the kidneys, renal calculi, sharp stinging pains in the kidneys,